Phillip Coggan discusses Paper Promises: Debt, Money, and the New World Order

February 8, 2012

Philip Coggan a columnist for the Economist who has written extensively on hedge funds has taken an in-depth look at the fiat currency system we live in today.  The idea for his current book, Paper Promises: Debt, Money, and the New World Order, came out of his research into the 2008 crash & the ensuing recession.  Coggan discusses the history of debt and its relationship to paper money, now the trend towards electronic money. He is like a prophet in the wilderness using history, current trends & a bit of common sense to forecast the coming decade of impending financial collapse.

We don’t often have video or audio links on this blog but both of these interviews are worth listening to. This is a warning that should be shouted from the mountain tops!

The following links are two separate interviews on the book:

NPR Morning Edition: Amid Debt Crisis, A Trail of Broken ‘Promises’

The Economist: The Debt Crisis – Philip Coggan on ‘Paper Promises’